报告人:黄志民 教授
报告题目:Methodology and Critical Thinking: Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain Management
摘要:The main reason for a manufacturer to use co-op advertising is to motivate immediate sales at the retail level. The manufacturer’s national advertising is intended to influence potential consumers to consider its brand and to help develop brand knowledge and preference, and is also likely to yield benefits beyond sales from an individual retailer. Retailer’s local advertising gets people into the store and, with the passage of time, brings potential consumers to the stage of desire and action and gives an immediate reason to buy (brands being offered, specific prices, store location, etc.). Co-op advertising provides consumers the information needs when they move through the final stages of purchase and a congruence of information and information needs that would be impossible if the manufacturer uses only national advertising. In addition to the same objective of immediate sales at the retail level as the manufacturer, the retailer utilizes co-op advertising to reduce substantially its total promotional expense by sharing the cost of advertising with the manufacturer.
报告人简介:黄志民,美国Adelphi大学商学院教授,The University of Texas at Austin运营管理博士 (1991),Journal of Modeling in Management 主编,OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science副主编。黄志民教授在管理、经济、运筹等一流国际学术刊物上共发表文章80多篇。其中发表在 Journal of Econometrics 和 International Journal of Systems Science的文章引用次数分别达到810次和590次以上。另外3 篇关于随机DEA 的相关文章,引用次数都在200 次以上。黄志民教授和运筹学泰斗、管理科学创始人Charnes、Cooper进一步发展了数据包络分析有关理论和模型,他们发表的文章中有5篇创立了经典理论,有2篇建立了经典模型,而以他们名字命名的“锥比率”Cone Ratio DEA模型和“满意度”Satisficing模型被学术界认为是最有影响的DEA模型之一。在供应链研究方面,黄志民教授是合作广告 (cooperative advertising)这一领域的主要开创者。目前,在合作广告这一领域引用次数最多的3 篇论文(论文引用次数分别达到410, 310, 260次),黄志民教授都是其主要作者。