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Call for Papers: 2019 INFINITI Conference

[发表时间]: 2019-08-05


13-15 December 2019, Tianjin

Society Hill Hotels & Conventions, Tianjin (天津社会山酒店)

In recent years, the environment of global financial markets has been dramatically changed. The changes of financial and nonfinancial technology, data processing methodology, economic and climate environments, as well as the international relations deeply affect the behavior of participants,the determinants of asset prices, and the methods of risk management in the global financial markets. The hot topics of financial studies also concentrate on these changes in recent years.

With the theme of "Finance In Changing Global Environment", the 2019 INFINITI Conference in the Asia-Pacific will be held in Tianjin,China. The Local hosts are Tianjin University and Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. The conference focuses on the impacts of global financial markets that brought by technology development and environment changes.

1. Topic

The topic of the conference includes but not limits to:

· Behavioral Aspects in Global Financial Markets

· Big Data in Global Financial Markets

· Corporate Governance in Changing Environments

· Environment and Global Finance

· Emerging Market Finance

· Fintech Development and Risk Management in Global Markets

· Financial & Banking Services in Integrated Markets

· Global Determinants and Transmission of Interest and Exchange Rates

· Global Market for Capital

· Global Risk Markets

· Globalization of Financialised Commodities

· Impact of Belt and Road on International Finance

· Asset Pricing in Global Markets

· International Market Comovements, Contagion & Crisis

· International Portfolio Diversification

· Markets & Exchanges in a Globalised Environment

· Mathematical & Computational Aspects of International Finance

· National Culture & International Finance

2. Journal Publication Opportunities

Special issues of the following journals and themes have been agreed, and we expect to have additional journals added. Details of the Special Issues themes will be announced closer to the deadlines.

· Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (Elsevier)

· International Review of Financial Analysis (Elsevier)

· Finance Research Letters (Elsevier)

· North American Journal of Economics and Finance (Elsevier)

· Research in International Business and Finance (Elsevier)

· Risk Management (Palgrave Publishers)

· Comparative Economic Systems (Edward Elgar)

3. Submission

Please submit athttps://www.openconf.org/tianjin2019/openconf.php, and/or sign up to be on the reviewing committee with the code tianjinreview.

4. Indicative Dates

· Paper Submission Deadline: August 31 2019

· Paper decisions: September 30 2019

· Early Registration Deadline: November 15 2019

Please visit our websitehttp://apinfi2019.ichaos.com.cn/ for further information and paper submission.

5. Contacts

If you have any question, please contact with us via email:

· Youwei Li, University of Hull ; youwei.li@hull.ac.uk

· Xu Feng, Tianjin University; fengxu@tju.edu.cn

· Feng He, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics; feng_ac@163.com

6. Keynote Speakers

Xue-Zhong(Tony) He, University of Technology

Tony He has been a Professor of Finance at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) since 2010. He has been a co-editor of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control since 2013.

Jonathan Batten, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Jonathan is Professor of Finance at School of Economics, Finance & Banking (SEFB), Universiti Utara Malaysia. He also holds a position at the University of Sydney. He has been Editor in Chief of Journal of International Financial markets, Institutions and Money, and of Emerging Markets Review since 2010.

其他详细内容见FINANCE IN CHANGING GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT官方网站:http://apinfi2019.ichaos.com.cn/